How You Can Help

You may not personally feel called to adopt, but you can be a support to a family that is. Sign up to support a foster or adoptive family by helping with things such as babysitting, housekeeping, mentoring, etc.
Become a “family friend” to a birth mom and/or birth father by supporting them through their difficult time of placing their child for adoption.
Consider donating your professional services to adoptive families (doctors, dentists, housekeepers, mechanics, tutors, etc.)
You may not feel called to care for infants or children, but happen to feel more comfortable with mentoring young adults. Assembly Bill 12 was passed in California to help foster kids who would age out of the system at 18 until they are 21 years of age.
This bill provides a monthly stipend for these “non-minor dependents” which will help pay rent for a room in someone’s home (or guest house or rental property) as well as expenses associated with getting a job or an education. Many of these kids age out and then have nowhere to go and no family or advocates to help them prepare for going out into the world. Many become sad statistics. There is a need for people to take in these young adults and mentor them. You do not have to be licensed as a foster parent, since the person is not a minor, however fingerprinting and interviewing are required by the County.
”Defend the weak and fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed.“ Psalm 82:3
CASA stands for a Court Appointed Special Advocate. Volunteer to be a voice for our children. The dependency CASA program serves children up to 11 years of age who have allegedly been abused and/or neglected. A CASA is a court-appointed volunteer who represents the best interests of the child as the child is taken through the legal process. Visit or call (760) 353-7456 for more details.
Become a “Godparent” of the children served through Amaris Ministries by financially supporting this non-profit ministry. Please make checks payable to Amaris Ministries and mail to 585 W. Orange Ave., El Centro, CA 92243.
Amaris Ministries accepts donated items such as children’s clothing, diapers, toys, etc. to help people who are just becoming foster parents, who are adopting on a budget, or for the orphanage in Haiti and ministries in Mexico.
Form a prayer team for this ministry or commit to praying for it on your own. Prayer is the most important tool the church can use to end the orphan crisis in our world today!