Eligibility Requirements to work with Amaris Adoptions
1. Adoptive applicants must be a family where both the husband and wife are born-again Christians and actively involved in a Bible-teaching church.
2. Adoptive applicants must be comfortable with the concept of “open” adoption and ministering to a birth mother.
3. There are no age requirements for adoptive applicants, however, birthmothers tend to prefer families in their 30’s to early 40’s.
4. Adoptive applicants must be willing to comply with all prerequisites, such as trainings, interviews, and paperwork required by Amaris Adoptions.
5. Adoptive applicants must exhibit the heart to minister to both children and birth parents.
We are thrilled that you have taken the first step toward making a radical difference in the life of a child. As Christians we are called to take care of the widows and orphans. (James 1:27)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
Many people think you need a certain income or must not have any other children in order to become adoptive parents. These things aren't what matter most at Amaris Adoptions. You can be younger or older, be from any socioeconomic or ethnic background. You don't have to be a member of any specific church, as we are a ministry for all Christian churches.
What matters most is your active Christian faith and walk, your good parenting skills, your openness to embrace the adoption process and all it entails, a sincere desire to love a child, and the ambition to help him or her grow as a full-fledged member of your family and our society.
Because we are an adoption ministry, we ask our families to go one step further, to be directed by the Lord in all areas of this process, and to trust Him completely in seeking the child He has prepared for them. People who are a part of the Amaris Adoptions family are like you: ordinary people who have chosen to do something excellent... admirable... awe-inspiring... radical. People who have chosen to touch the life of a child like no one else can.
And we will be with you every step of the way. Our goal is to partner with you in your desire to add children to your family. Our processes have been designed to best screen families to be certain that the children will be well cared for and protected, as well as to assist parents in navigating the confusing maze of adoption with joy and anticipation, and equipping them to walk victoriously through the more difficult phases.
We love our families! If you are interested in moving forward, please see our Training page to learn about the first step in your adoption journey.